The Basics: Fundamental Technique and Cross-Genre Singing

What do Beyoncé, Pavarotti, Aretha Franklin, Vince Gill and Frank Sinatra have in common? They all have solid foundation in the basics of singing. Want to have a tone like Beyoncé? You have to learn the basics first. Want to be able to hold out notes like Pavarotti? You have to learn the basics first. […]

The Basics: The Singer’s Breath

When you think of singing, you probably think of powerful belting, glorious high notes, or beautiful sounds. You probably don’t think about what has to happen before any of those: the breath. We all breathe. We breathe all day, every day. Breathing is an autonomic response – meaning our body does it whether or not […]

Singer Basics: Posture – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Stand up straight! Chest out! Back straight! Chin up! Legs under shoulders! One leg in front of the other! Don’t lean forward! Lean slightly forward! I’m sure many of you have heard all of these before. You could go to five different voice teachers and be told five different ways to stand while you sing. […]